Monday, September 17, 2018

1Z0-991 Oracle Innovation Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials

Exam Title: Oracle Innovation Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials
Exam Number: 1Z0-991
Exam Price: $245.00 More on exam pricing
Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 120
Number of Questions:  70
Passing Score: 67%
Validated Against:

This exam has been validated against R13. (Previous version of this exam was validated against R12 in 2017)

Take Recommended Training Courses

Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):
Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Learning Subscription (Individuals & Companies)
Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Learning Subscription (Partners)

Our certification exams are revised regularly to align with training and product release updates. Information about exam revisions and new topics are found on this page under 'Validated Statement' and within the exam topics below. Certifications reflect validated skills for year and product release version date of achievement. If you are preparing for this exam, we recommend you check these topics periodically to ensure your exam prep covers any new topics that may be added based on regular exam revision.

Innovation Management
Configure Provisioned Innovation Management offerings
Configure Oracle Social Network for Innovation Management
Create an Implementation User
Create an HCM configuration subset
Create an Application User
Configure Product Portfolio Planning Period Units
Configure Product Portfolio Planning Periods
Enable Source Editing mode for Page Composer

Using Innovation Management
Insert and edit Cash flow table values in Excel using the ADFDI plugin
Explain the relationship between PPM and Innovation Management
Create a Relationship between Requirements in different Requirement Specifications
Describe the object Relationships that are visualized by the Navigator
Relate a Requirement to a Concept Component of a Concept
Explain how Concept Metric Rollups are calculated for Concept Components
Explain how Net Present Value of a Proposal is calculated
Explain how to utilize Alternative Solutions for Concepts
Create a Proposal from an Idea
Create a Portfolio and compare Scenarios
Explain how to set Resource Limits in the Portfolio
Describe how the User can return back to a Proposal from an OSN Conversation
Describe the Requirements Specification Audit Trail
Restrict Access to a Proposal to a selected Team of Users

Innovation Management Customization

Create a custom Idea Class
Create a custom Proposal Class
Add a custom Lookup value to the Proposal Type attribute
Add a new Idea Customer list value
Create and save an Advanced Search for Ideas
Create a custom Status for Ideas
Modify default columns displayed for Idea Search Results
Create and publish a Sandbox
Create a formula type attribute for Proposals
Place a custom attribute on the Proposal Details tab
Create a custom attribute for Requirements
Place a custom attribute on a Requirements Specification table view
Make an attribute conditionally visible based on another attribute value or Idea/Proposal Class
Describe the three types of Product Portfolio Metrics
Create a Dashboard with an Analysis using Reports and Analytics, and add to My Dashboard
Make Ideas visible on the Springboard

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