Wednesday, November 7, 2018

1Z0-458 Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management 2 Implementation Essentials

Exam Title: Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management 2 Implementation Essentials
Exam Number: 1Z0-458
Exam Price: $245.00 More on exam pricing
Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 120 minutes
Number of Questions: 75
Passing Score: 70%
Validated Against:

This exam has been validated against version 2.

Take Recommended Training Courses

Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Boot Camp: Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management v2 Implementers

Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience) provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Guided Learning Path: Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management 2 Implementation Specialist

Mobile Resources
Describe the concepts of mobile resources and the structures used to represent them (mobile workers, vehicles, crews, skills)
Describe service areas
Configure a new mobile worker type
Configure a new vehicle type
Configure a new crew type
Create a crew's shift
Create a mobile worker
Create a vehicle
Create a crew
Configure a Shift Weekly Template for multiple crew types, device types, and measuring component types
Create and configure a new business object for a custom resource

Bound Work
Describe the dependency options of bound work
Describe a job and its relation to a crew shift
Configure a job within an XML document
Describe a chain
Configure chain activities in an XML document

Describe the inputs and outputs of the scheduler, including parameter definitions
Describe the scheduler manager
Configure the scheduler horizon
Configure a scheduler area
Configure a scheduler
Describe the scheduler registry
Describe the appointment booking group/service
Describe the holding scheduler
Configure optimization areas
Configure Dispatch Modes for Breaks POU tasks, and Emergencies

Describe common activity dispatcher functions and the key areas of the Common Dispatcher Interface (CDI)
Configure a dispatch area
Describe a dispatcher's data scope
Describe Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the KPI specific CDI
Configure a KPI
Describe clustered tasks
Configure a dispatcher view
Manually dispatch an activity to a crew
Create multiple crew routes on a map

Describe mail messaging (within the server and mobile applications)
Create a mailing list
Create an emergency mail message
Create and configure a new business object for a custom mail message

Describe a task, activity, and assignment
Describe the types of available time windows
Describe priority profiles and how they are used
Describe how activities, Periods of Unavailability) POUs, and Breaks are scheduled
Configure a new task type
Configure a priority profile for an activity
Configure new completion details for an assignment
Describe a collision of activities
Create and configure a new business object for a custom task/activity

Describe a POU, and distinctions between POUs for mobile workers and vehicles (including how POUs are considered by the scheduler)
Describe how POUs are generated by POU templates and batch processes
Configure a POU Task
Configure a POU Event
Configure a Break
Configure a Non-Productive Task
Create and configure a new business object for a custom break or non-productive task

Mobile Application
Describe the architecture of the mobile application
Configure a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
Describe how Remote Script Invocation (RSI) is used with the mobile application
Deploy a mobile application
Describe the functions of the mobile device and the Field Reference Activity
Configure mobile display settings on the device
Complete an assignment on the mobile device
Execute / Cancel an assignment on the mobile device
Manage a POU on the mobile device

Configure an alert
Describe the backup alert queue
Configure an alert based KPI
Complete an alert
Create and configure a new business object for a custom alert

Transfer of Goods
Describe the concept of goods and capacity
Describe a depot and depot run
Configure a Depot
Describe the depots business hours and depot cutoff
Describe depot activities vs depot tasks
Describe crews in relation to depots
Configure a Depot Run
Create and configure a new business object for a custom depot

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