Friday, June 18, 2010

Windows XP - the see-through guide

Windows XP - the see-through guide
The latest version of Microsoft's Windows operating system will make waves across the entire IT industry. rounds up what you need to know about XP.

All change with XP but not just on the desktop
The comprehensive guide to what Windows XP has to offer in terms of features, support and compatibility. Find out whether the gain will outweigh the pain as Microsoft puts the change machine back in gear.

Should you make the move to Windows XP?
Windows XP offers some clear improvements over Windows 2000. But anyone currently in the process of deploying Windows 2000 now faces a dilemma over whether or not to upgrade.

XP: How will users respond?
Technology intelligence provider IDC has been considering the uptake scenarios for Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional for the past several months. presents the key findings from IDC's Windows XP: Huge uptake potential; little alternative choice.

XP: What are the corporate benefits?
Analyst group Giga Information finds it strange that Microsoft is focusing almost exclusively on the consumer benefits of Windows XP, given that it offers some unparalleled corporate features.

Compatibility is the key to XP's success
The new operating system boasts a simplified look and feel, but enterprises are more likely to be tempted by its improved compatibility and links into Microsoft's .Net strategy.

Is XP just a shiny new step on the treadmill?
The arrival of Bill Gates' new baby will crash straight into many companies' carefully laid investment plans. But a successful business needs up-to-date infrastructure so it will pay not to be too cynical, says top interim director Colin Beveridge.

IT directors not convinced of XP merits
With many users still migrating to Windows 2000, IT directors are not convinced that upgrading to Windows XP is a logical or necessary move. spoke to key users to find out how they feel about XP.

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