Why you need the Windows XP Professional 70-270 test?
By passing this exam, you get qualified for various high tech job roles, such as network administrator, systems engineer, information systems administrator, systems administrator, tech support engineers, network analysts, technical consultants and systems analysts. For more info about this test you can visit Microsoft's website.
This MCP certification is suitable for those who are interested in working in a complex and high tech computing setting of medium and large scale organizations. And although you don't have to pass any prerequisites for taking part, it is still advised that you gather no less than one year's experience in installing and managing desktop operating systems in a network setting.
The number of questions you have to attempt is approximately 50 in 120 minutes. The passing score is 700. This exam usually comprises of Hot Area, Multiple Choice, Drag and Drop, Build a Tree, build list and reorder type questions. Although there are no case studies here, you should be ready to face unexpected simulation questions.
You can prepare for this exam using 70-270 sample tests and training available on the web. Also, the study materials for the 70-270 Exam are now available at highly affordable costs in various websites that offer certification exam resources. Moreover, these courses are also available as e-learning courses that you can attend online.
Given the length of this exam, you'll need to be well versed in every facet of Windows XP Professional. I'm going to break exam 70-270 down into several broad categories, including installation, basic administration, hardware devices and drivers, monitoring and optimizing, configuring the desktop environment, network configuration, and security free Cisco practice tests. I'll cover each of these categories in depth in the following sections.
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