Friday, April 15, 2011

The Most Influential Technologies, Round 5: Gaming

Some lists pick themselves. Then there's the list of the most influential technology. After a good amount of debate around the PCMag offices, we've opted to let you, the reader, help us choose the winners. We've split our coverage up into five categories—desktops and laptops, software, cell phones, consumer electronics, and gaming.

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Each round, we're offering up five products that we believe have had a profound impact on the industry as we know it. When we say “profound impact,” we don't necessarily mean that they were the first (though in many cases they were). In some cases, the product is the first in its class to really capture the imagination of the development community or the public at large.

Interestingly, the gaming category was the easiest round of the five to finalize. I imagine that, like the others, there will likely be some debate surrounding some of what did—and didn't—make it into the voting, but for most of the choices on here, there seems little room for serious argument.

Here's round five: Gaming. Each slide features an image of the product and an explanation about why it was so important and influential. The poll is on the final page.

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