Think you know Twitter? These little tidbits may redefine the way you regard the micro-blogging service.
Twitter Has All Your Tweets
No, the social micro-blogging platform doesn't just have the few hundred you can see at any given time through It actually has every single one by every single Twitter member, and all are stored at some undisclosed location. Can you see them? No, not right now. Costolo said Twitter simply lacks the time and resources to surface them—at least for now. I suspect that we'll eventually see full-tweet-search as a premium (for pay) service at some point in the not-too-distant future. I'd pay one lifetime fee of $35 for access. I'm sure others would, as well.
You May Not Fully Understand How Twitter's Social Impact Works
During the so-called Arab spring, Twitter and other social networks have played a supporting role. Costolo, though, said he learned from the new Tunisian government that Twitter not only helped the revolution self-organize, but fueled revolutionary passion through access to Tweets of support from the outside world, including people not even remotely involved with the revolution.
Twitter is the World
Twitter Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board Jack Dorsey waxed rhapsodic last week about the true nature of Twitter. His takeaway from the Arab spring uprisings is that there are real people behind all of that data (by data I assume he meant the 1s and 0s that make up tweets). Twitter, he said, has the potential "to put the entire world in your pocket." True, though I'd contend that the Internet, in general, already accomplished a similar feat. Yet, it's the real-time nature of Twitter that gives information delivered via Twitter its immediacy. Some people consider the 140-character limit restrictive, but without it, most people's posts would be far longer and probably less timely, significantly lessening their impact. Ultimately, while the man who created Twitter can see its enormous socio-political potential, he has trouble defining it. "You ask 100 people 'what is the world?' and you'll get 100 different answers, and the same is true for Twitter. Twitter is the world MCTS Training ."
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